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Product ID 20-1001-STM32L476ZGT6

Processor Board 54-1001-R01

In Stock 46
20-Pin TI LaunchPad Connectors
x1 UART1 - (RX/TX) to IO Output/Debug
x1 I2C3 (SCL, SDA)
x1 SPI2 (MOSI, MISO, CLK) with SS2
x1 Analog Input
x1 GPIO Used as RST
x1 PWM Output
x1 DAC Output
16-Pin microBUS Connector (Mikro Elektronika Compatible)
x1 UART1 - (RX/TX) to IO Output/Debug
x1 I2C3 (SCL, SDA)
x1 SPI2 (MOSI, MISO, CLK) with SS2
x1 Analog Input
10-Pin UEXT Connector (Olimex Compatible)
x1 UART2 - (RX/TX) to IO Output/Debug
x1 I2C1 (SCL, SDA)
x1 SPI1 (MOSI, MISO, CLK) with SS1
x1 UART3 - (RX/TX) to IO Output/Debug
x50 GPIO (PortD, E, F, G)
USB to UART Converter
microSD Card Connector
USBOTG capability
Power Input
Power Supplies
3.3V 1A
+5V0 2A (4.7V-18V IN)
List Price: $229.95
Price: $189.95